
Soft Totalitarianism in America is Here

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Culture Of Lies

In 2006, he wrote “Crunchy Cons” to explain why conservatives should support the environment, small businesses, even organic products. He officially parted with the Republican Party yet is an editor of The American Conservative. And while he believes America is still a shining beacon of freedom and independence, he is convinced totalitarianism (or more precisely, the insidious Soft Totalitarianism) has taken root in virtually every American institution from the government, corporations, main stream media, social media, the education system and even in your neighbor’s homes. Seeing the onslaught on basic American truths and its culture, Rod wrote “The Benedict Option” to map out a path for individuals to protect their beliefs and freedoms. While primarily focused on faith for his foundational concept, he discussed at length the idea of forming our own “intentional communities” to preserve the world’s most inclusive, socially open and productive way of life, as well, as our most cherished values. Today, in his top selling book, “Live Not by Lies”, Rod travels through history and spans the globe to identify the culprits who’ve brought totalitarianism into America, what the modern-day Gulags (or prisons) look like, and how today’s current zeitgeist intends to tear down Western Civilization and the advances it brought to the world. Rod joins Chris to set the stage and clearly define the times we’re living in (something the Peak tribe has discussed for years), but most importantly, Rod helps us make a plan for how we can fight back, and preserve what’s good and worth saving in our families and our communities. Rod embodies the very best of intellectual rigor; he has well-researched opinions and deeply held beliefs yet can speak with anyone calmly and rationally about his views. Most important is that he’ll talk with anyone and is wide open to exploring ideas in pursuit of the truth. In other words, exactly the sort of voice the world most needs these days.

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