Countries With Low Covid Cases Have An Opportunity To Evaluate Vaccine Safety Free Of Covid Death Contamination

For some time it has been clear that the rate of adverse effects proximate to mRNA Covid vaccination is unprecedented throughout NZ vaccination history.

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There is a relationship between vaccination and all cause mortality for the 60+ cohort in New Zealand. Data released under OIA shows hundreds of deaths associated with vaccination.

This has only been possible because of our unique situation in NZ. Protected at our borders, we have a very low incidence of Covid and therefore the short-term impact of vaccination on health can be reviewed in isolation from the confounding factors of Covid infections and deaths.

For some time it has been clear that the rate of adverse effects proximate to mRNA Covid vaccination is unprecedented throughout NZ vaccination history.

Adverse effects reported to CARM are running at 30 times that of flu vaccines. It is also apparent that many of the adverse effects are very serious indeed.

Medsafe has continued to maintain that they are unable to determine which effects and deaths are related to vaccination.

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