
Top Remedy for Calcium Plaque in Your Arteries

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Having calcium in your arteries is dangerous—the amount of calcium in your arteries is a good predictor of all-cause mortality. But how does calcium end up in the arteries in the first place?

Biofilms are a collective group of microbes. These microbes release calcium to protect themselves. Biofilms are resistant to antibiotics and are made stronger when you take antibiotics.

We can use hydrogen peroxide to help eliminate biofilms that may contribute to calcium plaque in the arteries. Hydrogen peroxide is heavily researched but also heavily attacked.

I encourage you to do your own research on hydrogen peroxide and see what you find. You should also talk to your doctor before implementing this hydrogen peroxide protocol as a natural remedy for plaque in the arteries.

The body makes hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can penetrate biofilms and has been known to kill bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold, and other harmful microbes. Vitamin K1 and vitamin E are also fantastic for reducing biofilms.

A crucial thing to note is that you should never consume straight hydrogen peroxide. You must dilute hydrogen peroxide before using it.

The hydrogen peroxide protocol (using food-grade 8% hydrogen peroxide):
Day 1: Mix three drops of hydrogen peroxide into eight ounces of distilled water. Drink this mixture three times, spaced out throughout the day.

Day 2: Mix four drops of hydrogen peroxide into eight ounces of distilled water. Drink this mixture three times, spaced out throughout the day.

Keep going with this protocol, adding an additional drop of hydrogen peroxide each day until you’re on day 21.

If you experience any negative reactions, stop what you’re doing for a while, and go back into it very slowly.

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