
Second Person in the U.S. Dies After Contracting Monkeypox

Geert Vanden Bossche is very concerned about the monkeypox (MP) vaccination strategy. Vaccination of substantial cohorts is only going to increase the rate of asymptomatic infections.

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Monkeypox Vaccination Strategy Very Troubling

Geert Vanden Bossche is very concerned about the monkeypox (MP) vaccination strategy. Vaccination of substantial cohorts is only going to increase the rate of asymptomatic infections. As explained in a previous contribution of his, this is likely to result in natural selection of more infectious immune escape variants in vaccinees (this particularly applies to non-replicating vaccines, which are the ones currently used). Higher infection rates lead to higher morbidity rates, which simply increase the part of the population that exerts immune pressure on viral infectiousness (and therefore promotes immune escape).

So, we may end up with circulating Monkeypox virus that no longer matches the vaccinal antibodies very well. This implies an increased risk for vaccinees to contract antibody-dependent enhancement of disease. It’s not just a theoretical assumption (see link attached): ” Significant mutation in the monkeypox virus that resulted in at least three infected Californians who were initially given “false negative results”. That’s why I am strongly advising against getting yourself vaccinated against MP‼

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