People On Immunosuppression Don’t Get Severe Disease For Covid-19

People on immunosuppression were thought to be high risk. They are not at increased risk of death they don’t get severe disease.

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Proposed risk stratification for severe COVID-19 in younger “healthy” individuals.

People on immunosuppression were thought to be high risk. They are not at increased risk of death for they don’t get severe disease.

A delayed interferon was the most likely cause for severe disease so high interferon response that was delayed.

People who are on immunosuppression they have a low interferon response, this seems to be protective against severe disease.

It may mean they take longer to clear the virus but they don’t get the severe inflammatory process that happens in the lungs.

So it seems immunosuppression especially in younger even in older people immunosuppression that is prior to getting COVID 19 is also likely to be protective.

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