Rand Paul:
“Fauci lied. He committed a felony. He said the NIH did not fund gain-of-function research in China. We now know that to be untrue. It’s clear there was a massive cover-up from the beginning.”
Rep. Chip Roy states:
The US Government and Fauci lied about vaccine efficacy and forced mandates, affecting 2/3 of US workers. Over 1 Million injuries reported to the government.
Fauci Should Be Arrested
Premeditated Murder: They Knew Remdesivir Would KiII, and They Did It Anyway Prior to COVID, Ralph Baric’s and Tony Fauci’s pet drug, Remdesivir, had a 53% mortality rate in clinical trials done in Africa.
“53% mortality if you got Remdesivir!” stressed Dr. David Martin.
“There is no such thing as a 53% lethality of anything nature does … and that’s what we chose to use in COVID.”