In this eye-opening interview with Prof Nikolai Petrosky, a prominent vaccine developer, he completely dismantles the COVID narrative, shedding light on key...
In an up close and personal 90-minute interview, Dr. Phil speaks with third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on his policies, controversies,...
Rep. Jim Jordan: Why was it so important to get the licensure for the vaccine?
Soldier claims COVID vaccine caused heart attacks, stroke | Cuomo Army National Guard Specialist Karoline Stancik, 24, says she's in $70,000 of...
Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the U.S. Government and others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to Pfizer’s COVID-19...
SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of the Enron-era obstruction of an official proceeding in J6 cases, 1512(c)(2). The Court says 1512...
GP Dr David White gives an excellent lesson on the findings from the Pfizer/BioNTech trial.
Watch live as President Biden and former President Donald Trump square off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election, hosted...
You have to realize that the protection against viruses that come through the nose, does not work via antibodies that are in...
Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Canberra and assesses Julian Assange's release. We also answer questions from an adversarial press corps.
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Uber in many ways is an incredible business success story, of how Travis Kalanick...
Robert Kennedy Jr. A Reckoning Is Coming…
Dr. Dhand’s Holistic Fat Loss and Reverse Insulin Resistance Program.
The Chevron ruling has now been struck down spelling the end of the administrative...
New study on semaglutide, started pre-pandemic, that possibly reveals hidden risks associated with vaccines...
Why are more people dying than should be? We'll examine the contributing factors to...
This episode features Dr. Annette Bosworth (Dr. Boz), who specializes in treating insulin resistance...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Yesterday, the European Union told Elon Musk that they were going to sanction him...
Defendant Darrell Blackburn, who worked in the now defunct elections administrator's office, has been...
Before God sent Moses to the Hebrews in Egypt Moses asked “…when I come...
Drs. Bossche vs Raszek 2-0 We do another super deep dive into the latest...
In his farewell address, Biden took a moment to poke fun at the situation....
In a surreal twist of political drama and slapstick comedy, the Biden Administration’s Secret...
One Nation works hard to bring you new episodes of Please Explain each week.
NEVER Swing Low To High On Your FOREHAND! Do This Instead
Andrey has been sick for the last 8-9 days. If these red flags continue...
Do This for Straight CUE ACTION
10 Shots You Must Know To Become A Better Snooker Player
Move your head straight down on the shot.