Get ready for the most mind-blowing predictions of 2025! Geert, a renowned expert vaccinologist, who warned about the risks of mass vaccination...
Trump unveils his boldest team yet, Bev Turner discusses his group of mavericks ready to take on the establishment and fight for...
The mucosal vaccine approach lauded by the authors would, at best, provide only short-lived protection outside a pandemic. It is not going...
Hospital admissions for strokes rise by 28% since 2004 – as NHS urges the public to ‘Act FAST’ (Face, Arms, Speech, Treatment)...
Covid-19 Vaccines Concerns Over Possible Mechanisms Of Injury
The close temporal association between the increase cancers and the rollout fulfils the gold standard Bradford-Hill epidemiological criteria for causation.
Viral Origins Evidence COVID-19 Engineered for High Infectiousness
No need to resort to gene RNA therapy with Professor Angus Dalgleish.
NEW: GLOBAL PRECEDENT SET. Following the Queensland Supreme Court (Australia) ruling VACCINE MANDATES UNLAWFUL, Clive Palmer funds a NEW class action lawsuit...
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the infection or in ameliorating the severity of symptoms.
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