The film "Planet-Lockdown" is a documentary about life and what happened to our world through the Covid19 agenda. The film includes eyewitness...
Fantastic documentary, describing how Sweden kept living in 2020 while the rest of the world locked down.
Peta Credlin investigates 'The Cult of Daniel Andrews'
Clare Craig gives a talk on the myths that led to lockdown for the recent international covid conference in Portugal.
Imperial College has produced a new fantasy number to test people’s gullibility. This time they are claiming that 19.8 million lives have...
Professor Norman Fenton comments on the ludicrous claims based on flawed mathematical models.
Victor Green of The PPC calls out Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens and Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk for supporting mandates and ignoring the...
The management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes...
An Exclusive Interview of Three Frontline Canadian Physicians
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