
Dr Asked About Mandating Vaccination

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What do you think of the new rule to require vaccination of all NHS staff?

The nurses were too afraid to answer but then a doctor steps in.

Consultant Dr Steve James, 10yrs at KCH, today courageously told the Health Secretary why vaccine mandates are wrong, even more so in light of omicron.

Doctor – I’m not happy about that.. I have had Covid…got antibodies and been working in COVID ICU since the beginning. I have not had a vaccination. I do not want the vaccination. The vaccine only reduce the transmission only for 8 weeks for Delta and for Omicron it is probably less and for that I will be dismissed if I do not have a vaccine? The Science is not strong enough.

Imagine losing this talent from the NHS, let alone ending his career.

The vaccines are clearly safe and effective so we fired health professionals who concluded otherwise because their doubts were especially likely to create doubts in others who might not get vaccinated and risk overwhelming hospitals which are (as you know) understaffed.

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