Vaccine marketing is where the money is.
New York Times said “Children who have recovered from Covid-19 appear to be at significantly increased risk of developing Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, CDC researchers reported on Friday.”
The CDC is back with a new piece of propagan—- I mean, a new publication. It claims that kids (<18) with COVID are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes in the next 30 days than kids without COVID or kids with other pre-pandemic respiratory viruses. It asserts this is a causal effect. COVID causes diabetes in kids.
The New York Times claims that Children who have recovered from Covid-19 appear to be at significantly increased risk of developing Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Friday.
They give it a catchy headline then they jump to the adults and don’t even consider the impact of lockdowns or the vaccine itself and simply blame COVID by saying there is a heightened risk of diabetes has already been seen among adults who recovered from Covid, according to some studies. Researchers in Europe have reported an increase in the number of children being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes since the pandemic started.
According to New York times the C.D.C. study is among the first to examine large insurance databases to estimate the prevalence of new diabetes diagnoses in children under age 18 who had Covid or were known to be infected with the coronavirus.
This is totally speculative and does not even consider what happens to both kids and adults if they stay home under lockdowns or the impact of the vaccines that don’t even stop infections.