Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee

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February 1, 2024
Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee

Statement from Prof Ian Ernest Brighthope, Director of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine and Co-founder of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.

“…the very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths, and in particular, the vaccine induced deaths of Australian children…”

Full Statement

My name is Ian Ernest Brighthope. I graduated in medicine and surgery from Monash University in 1974. In 1982, I co founded the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. I remained as president for the next 26 years. The college has continued to train medical practitioners in nutritional and environmental medicine to fellowship standard for the past 39 years.

I’m currently the director of nutritional and environmental Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine. Senator, a virus that had an infection fatality rate no worse than a severe influenza season was announced to the world in late 2019. My colleagues and I immediately recommended the routine supplementation of vitamin C, D and the mineral zinc for maximising the functionality of the immune system.

When the prime minister of the time announced that it was a pandemic, a press release detailing the importance of going into an epidemic with a population optimised with these nutrients was distributed. I also wrote to the prime minister, the health minister, the chief medical officer, the presidents of the AMA and the RACGP and other authorities on numerous occasions to recommend that all doctors ensure that they tested and treated their patients for vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency, the most powerful protective mechanism we have. Studies have shown that vitamin D prevents coronavirus infections, prevents the complications and prevents death from viruses that cause severe acute respiratory infections. Vitamin D has been successfully used in COVID. Also, Zinc is a known antiviral and essential for the optimal production of antibodies and T-cells. It has been successfully used in COVID with of course, good scientific evidence. The final nutrient, vitamin C, is antiviral and immune stimulant and the most powerful antioxidant for severely ill patients. It is used intravenously to prevent clinical deterioration, reduce hospitalisation rates, treat complications in hospitalised patients and wean patients off ventilators, thus reducing hospital stays. We also recommended the proven repurposed medicines hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for early treatment.

However, these were not applied in Australia. However, after many letters to the authorities, publications in the media and Zoom meetings with various ministers, my calls for prevention and early treatment were not acted upon. Had a proper C,D, Zinc campaign with known, safe and effective repurposed medicines been established, the Australian population would have achieved natural herd immunity safely, the most powerful and long lasting protection achievable. Instead, the authorities panicked, created chaos and fear and damaged the very essence of our society and culture.

Other serious issues are the coercion to vaccinate, which continues to date, lack of informed consent, the attacks on doctors and healthcare workers who spoke out, the very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths, and in particular, the vaccine induced deaths of Australian children. All powerful reasons for a broadbased royal commission. Thank you, senator.

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