Dr. Robert Malone:
What we’re up against, as you rightly point out, is the weaponization of all kinds of aspects of science, infectious disease and virology being one of them. Weaponization in order to advance ulterior motives, other agendas and all those other agendas really wrap back around, as you point out, to control.
Controlling people through a weaponization of fear, I argue, is fundamentally unethical. But it’s what’s being done, what’s being done by our government. It’s what’s being done by the European Union. It’s what’s being done by the World Health Organization. It’s what’s being done by the United Nations. And somehow we have to stop this.
This is not okay for governments to be using fear in order to control their populace. But that’s what’s going on. And as far as I’m concerned the COVID crisis is just a small example of a broader strategy that’s in play here.”