Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised With COVID-19 — NSW Australia — Jan 12, 2022

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Vaccine Efficacy Against Death —Once Hospitalised— for 12 January, 2022 was POSITIVE at +37.3% in NSW Australia.


Vaccine effectiveness against death —once hospitalised— simply looks at the latest known hospital occupancy of the vaxxed verses the unvaxxed and the deaths associated with the same cohort.

This calculation is measuring severe cases (hospitalised patients) and then comparing them against the final outcome and the number of deaths for each cohort. Vaccination rate of the population is irrelevant for this calculation as the method does NOT allow the vaccine to receive glory for vaxxing the young and healthy. This formula is a better measuring stick as it shows the true vaccine efficacy (protection) of the vulnerable.


Distortion and misrepresentations of the data could be a result of not splitting the deaths by age group and comorbidities. This is bad nevertheless I will categories deaths by age group in the future but for the moment these are the raw —real world— numbers.


Patients in hospital:

Vaxxed 68.9%
Unvaxxed 28.8%

*See government PDF image and link at the bottom of this page.


Sadly NSW Health is today reporting the deaths of 21 people with COVID-19; 17 men and four women.

Double Vaxxed 12 ppl (60%)
Unvaxxed 8 ppl (40%)


Above data does not have the daily hospitalisation split of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed so I am using data from the 12th of January and I believe it is a fair approximation which should favor the vaccine as I expect to see the proportion of the vaccinated group rise relative to the unvaccinated over time.

Vaccine Efficacy Against Death:

VED = +37.3%

Today’s data is showing POSITIVE vaccine efficacy against death once hospitalised. I do not have daily breakdown of hospitalised patients by vaccine status so I am using the latest report data as shown at the bottom of this page.


Hospital Occupancy Date By Vaccien Status Was taken From Here


This is daily data so it will fluctuate greatly so I will do it for a few weeks and graph the result.

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